Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Meet my friend...the pouter

Listen, I'm just as upset as the next guy that the Caps suck and they blew it tonight. I'm also just as upset as the next guy that all DC sports are hard to support almost always. In fact, I'm actually FURIOUS right now that the Caps lost. But, I'm also aware that tomorrow is another day and my life and future don't depend on the score of tonight's game.

Cut to--Jordan Burke. Not. The. Same.

This guy is one of the most soul-less human beings I've ever met in my life. Ok, maybe not ever, but there's not much going on in that heart or mind of his 90% of the time. Until, of course, a DC sports team loses. Then, meet the whiniest and most depressed man ever. What a baby.

Dear Caps,

Get your act together. Score a freaking goal when it matters and stop sucking so much. We really believe in you and we really really need you to win. Our lives depend on it. Let's go caps! Thanks,

Boston's biggest DC sports fans

1 comment:

Borg's Dad said...

BTW - Congratulations on the Half Marathon! Under 2 Hours?! How did Jordan do? Oh yeah, he was being a Professional Athlete. Tell him I'm proud of him anyway. How are the Cannons doing? Any games yet?