Friday, June 3, 2011

Here comes the Catch-Up

...and Boston decided to stop sucking. 
I could write an entire blog about weather. If you happen upon a conversation about the weather with me, please don't feel like it's small talk. Not one bit. I have a sick, unhealthy obsession with the weather, knowing the weather, predicting the weather etc. Maybe it's because my Dad always had one of those high-tech time/weather contraptions in our family room and seems to have his own obsession with it. Maybe it's because the first thing my Mom would tell me (perhaps because I needed to know) when she woke me up for school every morning was the weather. Maybe it's because I'm a complete control freak and feel like my knowing the weather, I know the future and therefore have control over how it will go? Who knows but I'm obsessed with it.

I live for Sun. I live for a cool breeze. And let's be honest, I live for a Tan. Why do I live in Boston? I oftentimes forget UNTIL days like I've had this week. No humidity, bright sun, cool breeze, 72 degrees:) I start becoming human again once I get a glimpse of sunlight and no longer need a coat. So, when I saw the first flower of the season (albeit only about 3 weeks ago), I put my shoes on, got my camera out and started up my long daily (nightly) walks.

Here's a glimpse into a Boston Spring--try not to blink because it's over in 4 minutes. 
Poor dying flowers

My backyard

Esplanade--this is path and park alongside the Charles River in Boston. Think of it as Central Park in NYC combined with the running paths of DC.

Charlestown Park

View from the Esplanade

Blossoms on the Charles


Tulips in Boston Common. It is AMAZING how well this city is groomed.

I look like a tool:) It was only 50 degrees this day but for me, Sun=Shorts so I smocked this nice scarf around me like a blanket.
Behind me are the famous Swan Boats of Boston. For parents, seems more boring than "It's a Small World" at Disney World.

Columbus Park in the North End. My Favorite Park.

Favorite Flowers!

Favorite man smelling the flowers--he was trying to duplicate a photo I took last Spring.

I bought these. Never Again. $20? For real? Oh right, NOW I remember why I don't decorate.
I LOVE this place:)

1 comment:

alex said...

I'm still waiting for our invitation, but since that seems to be lost in the mail, I am inviting us up there. Get ready.