Friday, September 30, 2011

Fresh Start...

Our first night on the cruise of a lifetime through the Greek Islands. Sunsets like that every night are a dream:)

The hope and belief that I will ever make up for the year that was on this blog is laughable at best. Jordan and I are working on a "Summer Video" and a slide show of pictures from the last year, from our wedding and of course, from our honeymoon. Once those are finished, I will post them. Please don't hold your breath. But, I AM back on the blog and I so badly want this to be a real, true and updated blog so this is my prayer that I can get back in the game.

We just got back from the honeymoon of a lifetime and the TRIP of the century. It was incredible and I will be sure to post more on that. Now, I can't stop watching the slideshow that my amazing photographer, Justine Ungaro, put together of some highlights of our wedding day. These are the only images we've seen so far and I can't even IMAGINE how hard it is going to be to pick photos for our album once we see the rest.


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