Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Day Devoted to Love

Or something like that.

For Valentine's Day, Jordan and I celebrated in the way only few people might find amazing. Luckily for us, two of our best friends felt the same way. So, on the commercially fabricated holiday that is filled with obnoxious flower arrangements from god-knows-who on people's work desks, even more obnoxious facebook updates of said flower arrangements and a bunch of other foolish activity - we ate burgers, drank milk shakes and talked about my mental health. (oh how lucky I am to have a social worker as a friend - poor guy). 

And Jordan made this face while I talked - like he does every day.

And fought off my rare attempt to hug him...

And we smiled for a V Day picture - as proof that I wore pink in a celebratory manner...

And did I mention we drank milk shakes? We did. And no, we didn't share. We got our own.

But in all honesty, I love this unshaven, creepy looking young man with all my heart. He may not plan surprise, romantic crazy evenings on valentine's day (I'm sure he's humanly capable but that would be dumb) - but he treats me well, shows and tells me he loves me, hugs me when I see him, listens to me, laughs with me, at least pretends that he loves doing EVERYTHING with me, lets me watch Teen Mom 2 sometimes, and most importantly, plugs my phone in at night when I pass out at 9:14pm. I'd trade an over-priced pre-fixe meal for that any day.

He's there for me. I like that. Even if he's rolling his eyes.

As for these guys - they need to get a room.

I hope you did something you loved on Valentine's Day. Especially if it involved milk shakes.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Love this! You guys are the best...couldn't have found more perfect Valentine's dates : )