Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Photo Make-Up Day

I spent my last spring break EVER at home for a few days before flying to West Palm to see my grandparents and Mary, of course. It was GREAT to be in the sun and to be with them for almost an entire week. Meemaw and I were sure to ward off the boredom that came with two RAINY days with hours of shopping:) Very fun week!

Mary and I at the Palm Beach Steak House


This winter, I had a little visitor on the deck outside my apartment whenever it got abnormally cold, snowy or rainy. That's right, that's a raccoon. All fun and games until I had to go out that back door and climb down the fire escape to get to my car every day. Pretty hilarious but freaky because he is SURELY rabid. I named him Bert.

Night out with grad school friends + jordan

Colleen visited over Valentine's weekend!! We went to a bar where creepy Pauly Shore was...and Jordan thought that it would be funny to shave just his beard area and leave this nasty semi-stache. Gross.

I miss her a lot.

Jordan and I went to the Bruins/Caps game and saw the Caps break the franchise record of more than 10 wins in a row! They eventually got to 14...pretty sweet.

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