I'm obsessed with kids, babies, anyone that is cute etc.... and I love babysitting more than anything else I do. However, it is so hard. And while being a full time Mom will certainly be the hardest thing ever, I think I'm pretty close to that as an almost full time babysitter plus full time student and freelancer. And if I'm not pretty close, just let me believe I am because it's hard.
While I was only with the two little ones of the four-kid family this morning...all HELL broke loose. This is no different than other times but something about today stood out and I wanted to write it down to remember/laugh about it later.
Baby Wesley (10 months) wasn't eating well at lunch. Not that normal, but he's growing and teething so I figured it was nothing. I shoved some food in his mouth anyway after a while sitting...and took him out of the high chair and BAM....POOP SMELL. Darn...I should have known. He's NEVER a fussy eater...of COURSE he pooped. Then undressing begins and it seems he has pooped THROUGH his diaper in a way that has made not just his back poop-covered, but his chub creases in his thighs, his arms, and even, his wrists? Holy smokes...
I take him to his room and attempt to contain that poop while undressing his squirmy baby body. Meanwhile, Hadley is downstairs (she's 2.) and I called her to come upstairs bc I would need to give Wes a bath and I didn't want her freaking out while I was upstairs and needing me for something. On her way up the stairs she says...."Mordaaan? (with a D), I pooped in my poool-up (pull up)". Potty training...that's gonna be fun. She's been really really really good about asking to go before she goes in her diaper but not today. Of course. So, she gets a bath too. As I wash them down...the ALARM goes off in the house. I still don't know what the alarm was all about but I do know that the kids went NUTS. Hysterically crying with poop all over them.
I forgot to mention that in Wesley's transit btw his bedroom and the bathroom...his poop got ALLLL over his changing table, all over the floor, and all over (and I mean ALL OVER) ME:) Luckily for me, I had already worked out this morning and was super dirty (at least I got ONE point in all of this). So that said, I was in merely my sports bra & running shorts with two poop-covered crying babies in a poop-filled bath tub as a mysterious alarm sounded in a house that is not mine. Oh, and when I tried to call their Mom's cell phone to ask what the alarm was...I heard it ring downstairs. Nice.
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