Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Marathon Monday

Clark finished the marathon in 3:05:03. Incredible and gross all at the same time. That's something like a 6:50 mile average, and he didn't stop ONCE. Ran the whole time. Amazing.

Covering the marathon on Monday, interviewing runners, taking pictures etc... made me realize more and more and more that I NEED to do one of these things. My first objective, however, is to find SOMEONE up here who will train with me and do it. I run every day, I could probably do it and be fine but I have SEVERE anxiety about the whole thing. Big crowds, heavy breathing, people peeing on themselves (seriously, I have a pic of one guy)...scary stuff. Jordan would do one with me, but he doesn't even have time to run two miles every day, let alone training days of up to 20 miles. So for now, I will train for a half, do it by myself like Clark did, and accomplish something great before conquering a REAL marathon at some point in my life. Perhaps the Marine Corps in November?

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