Thursday, April 15, 2010

Restaurant Weeks

The best thing Jordan and I took advantage of in Boston thus far is Restaurant Week--which is really restaurant MONTH with two weeks for general Boston and two weeks for the North End (little italy). I cook for myself every night and so does Jordan pretty much and neither of us spend much money on food ever. The thought of going to chipotle and spending 8 bucks on something is a big deal. But, with hundreds of awesome restaurants around us, I was determined to go to some great ones and the $33/person three course meals looked pretty good to me!

Restaurant #1: Fleming's Steakhouse

We went with our friends Chrissy (she goes to school with me) and her boyfriend Tim. It was AWESOME. I ate scallops and all of them had steak of some form, I don't remember. All I know is that sides of cheesy pototoes were a surprise and they were SO good...I ate all of everyone's remnants:)

Restaurant #2: Top of the Hub

We went with one of my best friends Caitlin (from Dickinson, she and her boyfriend live in Boston) and it was pretty cool. The restaurant is at the very top of the Prudential Center, the tallest building in Boston. You get a great view (although we were shoved in the corner) and the food was great:)
I proceeded to get a nose bleed--maybe from my flight from Florida that day? Very weird, maybe we deserved getting put in the corner because we aren't civilized enough to act like adults.

Restaurant #3: Trattoria Il Panino in the North End
This was my favorite of all three. Jordan and I went by ourselves last week and we sat outside. I had clam linguini and jordan had lobster ravioli. Every single time I go to Jordan's apartment in the North End, I smell the garlic and basil of the restaurants and it was so fun to finally EAT at one instead of staring at the menus outside and gawking at people's plates every time I walk by.

No picture, sorry.

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