Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's getting old...

Before I look back and write more about our exciting adventures from the fall, I wanted to take a moment to say that I'm done with the Winter. I don't hate the cold and in fact, I've enjoyed the cold weather more than usual this year. But, after a short tease of some 60-degree days, I'm ready for this crap to be over and frankly, I want to get a tan.

But, Jordan and I have spent three of the past 5 weekends skiing all over New England to make the most of what we've got up here. We've been to Cannon mountain in New Hampshire, Pats Peak (also in NH) and Jiminy Peak on the border of MA and NY. Next weekend, we're finishing out our EXPENSIVE ski season with a bang. We're traveling up to Stowe, VT with 6 others for two more days of (hopefully not icy) skiing:) So far, we've had mixed experiences with some fresh powder and some straight up, rock-hard ice.

The above picture was taken on our first excursion early in January. Our faces look swollen, pale and gross because it was 13 degrees outside:) It was a lot of fun...until of course I fell way over-dramatically on my last run of the day and cried like a baby and may or may not have blamed Jordan for not telling me about the moguls. But, that's beside the point. We took the trip up as part of a weekend adventure to NH...just the two of us. Thanks to the awesomeness that is GROUPON, we got an amazing deal at the Radisson Castle in Nashua, NH that included dinner for 2 and a night's stay for just $79! It was awesome so we spent the Saturday at the mountain skiing and went back in time for our three-course dinner. I have a weird obsession with hotels and staying in any type of lodging, even if they're dumpy. This one was right up my alley and it looked like a real castle from outside!

All that being said, I want the winter to be over. After a miraculous weekend of warmer weather, I can finally walk through the city without sliding like I'm on ice skates to get from point A to point B. Although, it does make for some good pics in the North End when the snow's fallen...
And, as cheap as I am, watching the wreckage of cars on the streets and the damage from snow plows...I've never been happier that I decided to pay $100/month for my covered garage.

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