If you ever read my blog before, you'd know a little bit about my obsession with seasons, holidays, seasonal activities and activities that remind me of certain seasons:) One thing I love to do every year is go apple picking and store up more apples that I could ever dream of using. New England falls are my favorite and possibly even more awesome (at times) than what I grew up with in Maryland. There are hundreds of Orchards up here and with my field hockey schedule this past fall (yes, I play on a league that I treat just as seriously as my college team--and we won) I ALMOST missed the last weekend of prime picking season!

On a Sunday morning somewhere around the end of September, I acquired what would become a two-month bout with Bronchitis and felt terrible. Regardless of the pressure in my head, a fever and whooooping cough I had, I dragged Jordan with me an hour and a half away to Stow, Mass. to Honey Pot Orchard. It was glorious.

As I hydrated, Jordan and I picked a bushel of Cortland, Empire, Gala and Honey Crisp apples. Since it was the end of the season, Jordan was extremely manly and climbed the ladders to get the best picks:)

It was a short lived trip as my coughing got worse and whining became unbearable for Jordan.

And then came the REALLY fun part...BAKING!!!!

I made
Paula Dean's Crunch Top Apple Pie. With a small kitchen and lame utensils, it was a mess but it was awesome:)

With the leftover dough and a few more of our million apples, I made my first attempt (without much success because I didn't put any real effort and just wanted to be done) at making some apple pie pockets. My vision was McDonald's applie pie...but I think mine tasted better despite looking like complete crap.

Instructions for making that beautiful masterpiece up there is the same filling instructions as Paula Deen's filling. Then, crack one egg and beat to make a simple Egg Wash. Cut 3x7in pieces of Pillsbury pie crust dough. Brush the edges of the dough and place a tablespoon of pie filling into the middle. Place a second piece of dough on top and press edges down with a fork. (I also attempted this my cutting a double sized piece of dough, placing filling on one site and folding dough to create pocket. My second time make these was MUCH smoother:)
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