Tuesday, February 1, 2011

She's Baaaack and she's engaaaaaged.

I know. It's been a while. Even for those of you who only read my blog because I forced you to, I understand that it's still been a while. But I am back and I have a LOT of catching up to do.
Sitting where I'm sitting right at this very moment, I received a glorious ring and made a promise on September 6, 2010 to be best friends with Jordan Burke for ever and ever and ever and ever. After sharing a cone of "Cookie Monster" ice cream from here and a long walk through the North End, which had just become our new 'hood, Jordan asked me to marry him. I said, "Wahoo!"

Since then, our lives have been busy and my computer has been getting repaired. Hence, the major delays:) But, I don't want to miss this time in my life and am eager to start using these oh-so-talented writing skills that have gone to waste since my new career. But, more on that later. For now, enjoy a few more pictures from our first engagement session and be sure to visit Caryn's website here. For those of you "old" followers, the sweet little girls on our photos are the ever-famous Caitlin and Taylor, my babysitting buddies and soon-to-be flower girls:)

We'll see you on September 3rd!

1 comment:

ashley schmutz said...

i LOVE these pictures! miss you!