Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ring in the New Year right....Right?

Knock Knock.
[Who's There?]
[Orange Who?]
Orange You Glad This Isn't a Picture of Chipotle?

I know. I lied when I said I'd be back soon to talk about new year's resolutions. I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I'm just as upset because I failed one of them-- "Blog More."

I haven't uploaded any pictures from the last month so what you see up there is the view I dream about every.single.night. 

But that was then. This is Now. I've had about four weeks to reconsider all of those things I once thought to be important for 2012 and am now ready to set some better ones. Without further ado, here are my resolutions--beginning Feb. 1st.

1. Blog at least twice a week. This would be big people. Wahoo!
2. Stop Tying Knots in My Hair. Post to come, graphic photos included.
3. Be a Wife. I haven't really taken this on like most other people do. It's complicated. Post to come.
4. Act My Age. I vow to stay up until at least 10PM every night and go out and do something social that a normal 25-year-old would at least once a week.  Post to come on my success thus far.
5. Worry Less. I wish I could quantify this but I know I can't. One thing I will say is that my anxiety is one thousand percent out of control. Post to come.
6. Be an Athlete. Get into a Yoga routine. Run the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in under 1:25. Run the Tough Mudder and Live to Tell About It. Run at least One Half Marathon in less than 1:55. Run a Marathon...period.
7. Say Yes. I need to say yes to at least one thing a week that I want to say no to. I say no a lot, mostly out of worry.
8. Stop Looking Like Complete Crap. Post to come, graphic photos included.

There you have them. I feel pretty good about these.

What were your resolutions? 


alex said...

2. if you can accomplish this, then i will try to stop too
3. i'm lacking in this area too
4. I will never stay awake past 10pm
5. i have wrinkles from this
6. i wish you lived in kentlands so we could go to yoga together
7. i love saying no
8. i think this goes along with "act my age"

Becky said...

GOOD LUCK with all of your resolutions!! So happy to come to you blog and see two new posts :) I ditto your resolution for doing something social at least once a week - when did we get so old?!

let me know how the being a wife thing goes - i will probably be needing some advice at the end of the year ;)

My main goal for the year is to establish a better work-life balance, which will include doing more social things, saying yes more often, and worrying less about work. Really trying to embrace the idea that you shouldn't live to work, but should just work to live :)