Monday, March 26, 2012

The End of a Plan

Oh, that photo up there? No big deal, Jordan was just feeling like lounging in a sun chair the morning after our wedding. The two lovely ladies with us are our grandmothers. 

I'm not here to talk about sun umbrellas - even though Jordan loves them.

Instead, I'm here to talk about plans. 
I'm a planner. Always have been, always will be. Or will I?
Making a plan was much easier when I was in high school and there were SO many options ahead of me. Before you get annoyed and think I'm being pessimistic, hear me out.
I decided to play sports in college, write for the local newspaper, chase a dream to be a reporter, complete graduate school in a city I've never known, take a job that showed promise but was nothing I ever imagined, move in with Jordan and ultimately, marry him. It felt like these plans were in the midst for a lifetime and now... 
I've come to the end of my plan. 

For the first time in my life, I feel like I'm really just living. I live day by day and although I'm still a planner when it comes to vacation days (duh, who isn't?) and how I'll spend my weekend - I no longer have a 5 year plan. 

Part of me loves it. I love everything I'm doing and I feel like I'm accomplishing so many fun things in work, fitness and life that this whole obsessive planning theory is getting away from me. 
Jordan will likely say otherwise, as will most of my friends - but internally, I'm just here.

It's amazing. Until of course I think about how inefficient things will become if I don't have a plan. How sitting idle will waste the time I could be spending planning.
Luckily for all of us, I'm sure this moment won't last long.

Today, though, I'm just trying to enjoy it.


Sarah Lapicki said...

I don't know that I believe that you will ever not be a planner, but I love this "you" enjoying your freedom. Maybe said freedom will bring you to me?! I'll plan it so you don't have to ;)

Morgan said...

You know me too well - I think everyone has called my bluff. As you can imagine - 12 hours after writing this post, I had a meltdown about my next 5 years:) Let's see eachother!