Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Finish Line

Completely irrelevant picture of me and Jordan.

I did it. I am finished. I am d-o-n-e with graduate school. There are so many feelings of relief, excitement and a tiny bit of sadness that I have right now, but I did it. When I applied for grad school right before finals of my fall semester of senior year, I anticipated that I would "try it" and keep looking for jobs and leave once I found work. But, I don't know who I thought I was kidding. I can't quit things especially when they are hard. I pummeled through this program like someone had lit a fire in my, well, bum. I am so happy with the outcome of my work, so grateful to all of my professors and all of their advice, so thankful that I had the opportunity to get a graduate degree, so relieved that I came out alive and most of all, so excited that I DID IT!

Grad school itself is difficult, but the most challenging part about it all is that you live a pretty full life outside of school. This is NOT like college, it is like real life and it is hard. These two years have brought multitasking to a SICK degree, but I wouldn't change it for a thing. I have learned so much about myself, about the limits that I am able to push myself to, and have gained such a supreme sense of independence while being on my own up here in Boston.

I am turning 24 in three weeks. I can't believe it. I have always been the young one and for the first time in my life, I feel like I am getting old. That's scary. Nonetheless, it is happening and I will do my best to make 24 a successful year.

I have a real job interview on Tuesday of next week. The opportunity is amazing and I pray it goes well. I'll keep you updated.

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